Taking supplements such as protein while traveling can be a challenge for fitness travelers. In Japan, the convenience store is the place to go. In Japan it is called “ Con bi ni “ and you can easily find them in most cities and towns, particularly in front of the train stations or restaurant / shopping area. They sell a range of nutrition products. Here are some examples.
This is flavored protein milk with several flavors. 2 sizes are available; 430ml incl. 15g of protein, 200ml incl. 10g of protein.
This NO sugar yogurt is 110g with 11.7 g of protein. There are several flavours and some of them have less protein 9.7g.
This small jelly drink has 98kcl with 10g of protein.
This 110g smoked Chicken is called Salad Chicken. You can eat it as it is. It is 131 kcal with 26g of protein. Very tasty. There are several flavors.
This is a seafood stick. It is like a fish cake. This one is only 69kcal with 8g of protein. Very tasty.
If you want to buy a protein powder or other nutrition supplement products, you can get them at pharmacy (in Japan it is called “Drug store”) or local gyms such as Gold’s Gym.
This zero calorie Jelly drink has 12 different kinds of vitamin. 1 pack a day is recommended.
There are many protein bars available and you can buy 1 bar at $1-$2. This one is 100kcal with 10.5g of protein.
Many different kinds of rice balls for carbo.
Boiled egg … it comes with package…very Japanese
This Chicken blest and egg salad has 22.7g of protein.
This 60g grilled squid has 93kcal and has 17.3g of protein with little fat.